Childhood and adolescence are critically important periods in the lifespan – vast transitional changes in the young person’s mind, brain and body set the paths for life-long socio-emotional well-being. It is in this period of life when a young person learns to build relationships, understand consequences, reflect on situations, develop problem solving skills, experience and gain control over emotions, and consolidate a sense of self and aspiration, paving the way towards autonomy in adulthood while at the same time the external world keeps challenging our younger ones with many different kinds of stressors from family, peer and society. Our young people need our support and guidance to help them gain a sense of self-understanding and perspectives of the outside world.
Through knowing, we care! WORK HEART has been kick-started in 2019 by The Chinese University of Hong Kong. We are randomly selecting 6,000 local students and their parents to join us. |
Please say YES when you receive invitation from the research team through your teachers.
It is purely by chance that your are selected (in science we call it random selection). But every participation is important as your sharing will become part of a representative full picture on the health care needs, strengths and stress in our new generation. |
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